Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Use Less Synthetics & Save the Planet

A few synthetic items that you could Use Less to save the planet. Synthetic means artificial & artificial means unnatural. Simply put, Synthetics hurt Nature. Nature is hurt, directly or indirectly, in the process of manufacturing synthetics.

Polyester clothing
Is anyone still wearing these?

Plastic bags
So called 3rd world countries like India have banned plastic bags in stores. Why cant "progressive" nations do the same.

Styrofoam & Plastic cups
Reusable containers/vessels were invented more than 3000 years ago in ancient civilizations. Lets go retro on cups.

Scotch tape
Tapes are necessary. But sometimes, a rope or a string might work instead.

Bubble Wrap & Packing Popcorn
Crushed news paper works equally well. And paper gets recycled better than plastic.

Air fresheners
These hardly work for more than a few minutes. Open those windows and ventilate the house instead.

These are useful, but, buy smaller bottles. Half un-used bottles of glue are usually dumped when it hardens.

Hand Sanitizers
Use plain warm water and soap instead of these high alcohol chemicals.

Battery Cells
There are at least 10 items around your house that have batteries that never get used. Use batteries when needed and try to reuse them when you can.

Bottled Water
Expensive water in plastic bottles hurt your wallet and hurt the planet. Tap water is usually held to higher standards and almost always equally clean.

Bottled Drinks with Artificial Flavoring
The chemicals, sugar and plastics are helping nothing. Drink water.

LESSing is reducing demand.

LESSing Saves the Planet.

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