Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Use Less & Stay Fit

10 (practical) things you could use less to Stay Fit:

Use LESS Remote controls - burn the calories
Choose a day of the week and dont use the remote that day. Burn those calories off everytime you flip the channel.

Use LESS Television - work your mind
Get your news from print media or from online news paper. Reading exercises your mind more than the boob-tube and also the eyes while you are at it.

Use LESS Elevators - help the heart
Skip the lines at the elevator and use the stairs all the way. Or till the 2nd floor.

Use LESS headphones - save your ear drums.

There is life beyond that iPOD. Next time you go for a jog or a walk, try doing it without any music aid. Listen to your thoughts. Good for your mind. Great for your ears.

Use LESS Salt - lower hypertension
Have at least 1 item on your plate that has ZERO salt.

Use LESS Sugar - keep the fat off

Replace sugar with honey. Takes getting used to - but will help. Also, take one beverage sugar free.

Use LESS coffee/caffeine - keeps you regular
Replace 1 regular coffee cup everyday with decaf or tea.

Use LESS Chairs - exercise the legs

Stand up when you are talking on the phone.

Use LESS Alcohol - keep the liver healthy
Reduce the amount of hard liquor, switch to red wine atleast 2 days a week. Drink less red wine too.

Use LESS Cigarettes - keep the lungs clean

Quit smoking. If you cant, then cut down.

Use LESS medication - keep the toxins out of your system
If you have a headache, skip the pills and go to bed. Replace multi-vitamins with fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water or milk instead of peptobismol

LESSing is Easy.

LESSing everyday Keeps the Doctor Away.

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